69 research outputs found

    Implementation of a learning to rank system

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    Značný nárůst množství dat v posledních letech ukázal limity klasického vyhledávání informací. Už nestačí relevantní informace pouze najít, je potřeba seřadit je tak, aby uživatel mohl získat nejdůležitější data co nejrychleji. Stále více společností se potýká s větším objemem dat a řeší tuto nesnadnou úlohu řazení informací pro své uživatele. Pro naši práci jsme se spojili s obchodním partnerem a vyvinuli modul pro hledání a řazení výsledků pro server GoOut.cz. Pracovali jsme s reálnými daty od uživatelů našeho partnera. Při řešení problému jsme použili knihovnu poskytující současné moderní algoritmy a soustředili se hlavně na vytváření příznaků pro dokumenty. V naší práci jsme se pokusili obohatit standardně používané příznaky o relační data. Na závěr se nám podařilo vybrat algoritmy, které byly schopné využít těchto obohacených příznaků. Také jsme ověřili, že i přes větší množství příznaků zvládnou nejlepší algoritmy odpovídat na dotazy v rozumném čase a jsou tedy použitelné v praxi.The growth of information in recent years rendered the classical information retrieval unsatisfactory. It is no longer sufficient to retrieve relevant data. The retrieved data must be sorted to enable users to find the most relevant information as quickly as possible. More and more companies are dealing with large amount of data, and they are struggling with ordering it for the user queries. We partnered with a business partner and in our work we implemented a searching and learning to rank module for the GoOut.cz server. We were working with real world data based on the user inputs. For solving this task, the library providing the state of the art algorithms was used and we were mainly focusing on the features. In our work, we tried to enhance the commonly used features with relational data. Eventually, we identified algorithms that were able to benefit from the enhanced features. We also verified that even with the enhanced features, the most successful algorithms respond within a reasonable time, and therefore, the whole system is usable in practice

    Comparing the feelings of participants in the intensive course of the Feldenkrais method in 2014 and 2016

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    Title: Comparing the feelings of participants in the intensive course of the Feldenkrais method in 2014 and 2016 Background: The Moshé Feldenkrais exercise system - Awareness Through Movement (ATM) uses slow, conscious movements to support motor learning. Exercise not only improves motor patterns, but also improves other body functions, including the psyche. However, there are few research papers that examined the effects on larger scope. Objectives: The aim of the research was to compare the subjective feelings of participants of the intensive ATM courses organized annually at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University in 2014 and 2016. Methods: In order to achieve the aim of the research, quantitative qualitative comparison of the results of the questionnaire survey from two three-day courses of the Feldenkrais method in 2014 and 2016 was used. The structure of the questionnaires was based on the basic demographic data of the participants, their motivation to take part in the course and the subjective evaluation of the course (benefit from exercise, reduction of pain etc.). Likert scale was used to subjectively evaluate the course (exercise enjoyment, pain reduction, etc.). Results: In 2014, 121 participants attended the ATM course and 99 completed questionnaires were...Název: Porovnání pocitů účastníků intenzivního kurzu Feldenkraisovy metody v letech 2014 a 2016 Vymezení problému: Cvičební systém podle Moshé Feldenkraise "Pohybem k sebeuvědomění" - Awareness Through Movement (ATM) využívá pomalého uvědomělého pohybu k podpoře motorického učení. Cvičení zkvalitňuje nejen motorické vzorce, ale zlepšuje i další tělesné funkce včetně psychiky. Existuje nicméně pouze málo výzkumných prací, které by tyto efekty zkoumaly na větších souborech. Cíl: Cílem práce bylo porovnat subjektivní pocity účastníků každoročně pořádaných intenzivních kurzů ATM na Fakultě tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlovy v letech 2014 a 2016. Metody: Pro splnění cíle práce byla využita kvantitativně kvalitativní komparace výsledků dotazníkového šetření ze dvou třídenních kurzů Feldenkraisovy metody v letech 2014 a 2016. Pomocí dotazníků vlastní konstrukce byly zjišťovány základní demografické údaje účastníků, jejich motivace k účasti na kurzu a pomocí Likertovy škály subjektivní hodnocení kurzu (příjemnost cvičení, snížení bolesti aj.). Výsledky: V roce 2014 bylo od celkového počtu 121 účastníků kurzu získáno 99 vyplněných dotazníků a v roce 2016 bylo od 150 účastníků získáno 100 dotazníků. Výsledky poukázaly na značnou podobnost obou ročníků v řadě oblastí: více než 90 % účastníků tvořily...Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařstvíFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Project management techniques

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    Project management techniques

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    katedra: KIN; rozsah: 60 s., 2 s. obr. přílohThe bachelor thesis "Project management techniques" deals with the use of techniques in projects. Its aim is to demonstrate the importance of correct and appropriate use of techniques in project management. The work is divided into two parts. In the first, the theoretical part, I try to define the definition of this concept and its understanding in the world`s standards. Then the identification of best-known and most important techniques follows. They are described and the correct and appropriate use is demonstrated on them. In the second, the practical part, there is conducted some research and it determines how the specific techniques are used. The second part is also seeking to prove the existence of dependence between the use of techniques and the success of projects. At the conclusion of this work the practical part is confronted with the theoretical one and the conclusions and recommendations are made out.Bakalářská práce {\clqq}Techniky projektového řízení`` se zabývá užitím technik v projektech. Jejím cílem je prokázat důležitost správného a vhodného použití technik při projektovém řízení. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první, teoretické části, je věnován prostor definici tohoto pojmu a jeho chápání ve světových standardech. Následuje identifikace nejznámějších a nejdůležitějších technik. Ty jsou popsány a je na nich demonstrováno správné a vhodné použití. Ve druhé, praktické části, je proveden výzkum, který zjišťuje, jak se konkrétní techniky používají. Druhá část se dále snaží o prokázání existence závislosti mezi používáním technik a úspěšností projektů. V závěru práce je pak praktická část konfrontována s teoretickou a jsou vyvozeny závěry a doporučení

    The Occurrence of Low Level Gonosomal Mosaicism in Patients Treated for Infertility

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    První část bakalářské práce je věnována celkovému tématu neplodnosti, jejích příčin a mechanizmu vzniku gonozómových mozaik, které jsou často diskutovaným genetickým faktorem ovlivňujícím fertilitu. Jsou zde popsány i základní syndromy, které se často vyskytují právě ve formě malé mozaiky. V další části práce jsou popsány stěžejní části cytogenetického vyšetření karyotypu, které jsou dále detailně popsány v metodické části spolu s metodami statistického vyhodnocování. Výsledkem práce je zhodnocení výskytu malých gonozómových mozaik v závislosti na věku probandek a určení, zdali je frekvence výskytu mozaik u infertilní skupiny pacientek vyšší než u ostatních vyšetřovaných skupin.The first part of the bachelor thesis is devoted to the overall topic of infertility, its causes and the mechanism of the origin of gonosomal mosaics, which are often discussed as genetic factor affecting fertility. The basic syndromes, which often occur in the form of small mosaics, are described here too. The key parts of cytogenetic karyotype examination are described in the next part of the thesis, together witch more detailed methodical part and methods of statistical evaluation. The result of the work is the evaluation of occurrence of small gonosome mosaics depending on the age of probande and determination, whether the incidence of mosaics in the infertile group of patients is higher than in the other groups under study

    Five centuries of Southern Moravian drought variations revealed from living and historic tree rings

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    Past, present, and projected fluctuations of the hydrological cycle, associated to anthropogenic climate change, describe a pending challenge for natural ecosystems and human civilizations. Here, we compile and analyze long meteorological records from Brno, Czech Republic and nearby tree-ring measurements of living and historic firs from Southern Moravia. This unique paleoclimatic compilation together with innovative reconstruction methods and error estimates allows regional-scale May-June drought variability to be estimated back to ad 1500. Driest and wettest conditions occurred in 1653 and 1713, respectively. The ten wettest decades are evenly distributed throughout time, whereas the driest episodes occurred in the seventeenth century and from the 1840s onward. Discussion emphasizes agreement between the new reconstruction and documentary evidence, and stresses possible sources of reconstruction uncertainty including station inhomogeneity, limited frequency preservation, reduced climate sensitivity, and large-scale constraint

    Predicted climate change will increase the truffle cultivation potential in central Europe.

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    Climate change affects the distribution of many species, including Burgundy and Périgord truffles in central and southern Europe, respectively. The cultivation potential of these high-prized cash crops under future warming, however, remains highly uncertain. Here we perform a literature review to define the ecological requirements for the growth of both truffle species. This information is used to develop niche models, and to estimate their cultivation potential in the Czech Republic under current (2020) and future (2050) climate conditions. The Burgundy truffle is already highly suitable for cultivation on ~ 14% of agricultural land in the Czech Republic (8486 km2), whereas only ~ 8% of the warmest part of southern Moravia are currently characterised by a low suitability for Périgord truffles (6418 km2). Though rising temperatures under RCP8.5 will reduce the highly suitable cultivation areas by 7%, the 250 km2 (3%) expansion under low-emission scenarios will stimulate Burgundy truffles to benefit from future warming. Doubling the moderate and expanding the highly suitable land by 352 km2 in 2050, the overall cultivation potential for Périgord truffles will rise substantially. Our findings suggest that Burgundy and Périgord truffles could become important high-value crops for many regions in central Europe with alkaline soils. Although associated with uncertainty, long-term investments in truffle cultivation could generate a wide range of ecological and economic benefits

    ReaxFF parameter optimization with Monte-Carlo and evolutionary algorithms : guidelines and insights

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    ReaxFF is a computationally efficient force field to simulate complex reactive dynamics in extended molecular models with diverse chemistries, if reliable force-field parameters are available for the chemistry of interest. If not, they must be optimized by minimizing the error ReaxFF makes on a relevant training set. Because this optimization is far from trivial, many methods, in particular, genetic algorithms (GAs), have been developed to search for the global optimum in parameter space. Recently, two alternative parameter calibration techniques were proposed, that is, Monte-Carlo force field optimizer (MCFF) and covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy (CMA-ES). In this work, CMA-ES, MCFF, and a GA method (OGOLEM) are systematically compared using three training sets from the literature. By repeating optimizations with different random seeds and initial parameter guesses, it is shown that a single optimization run with any of these methods should not be trusted blindly: nonreproducible, poor or premature convergence is a common deficiency. GA shows the smallest risk of getting trapped into a local minimum, whereas CMA-ES is capable of reaching the lowest errors for two-third of the cases, although not systematically. For each method, we provide reasonable default settings, and our analysis offers useful guidelines for their usage in future work. An important side effect impairing parameter optimization is numerical noise. A detailed analysis reveals that it can be reduced, for example, by using exclusively unambiguous geometry optimization in the training set. Even without this noise, many distinct near-optimal parameter vectors can be found, which opens new avenues for improving the training set and detecting overfitting artifacts

    Preparation of Biotinylated and FITC-Labelled Phosphorylcholine Poly(acrylamide) Derivatives and Their Application for Protein Ligand-Binding Studies

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    Biotin- and FITC-labelled water-soluble poly(acrylamide) derivatives of phosphorylcholine were prepared by coupling either maleinylated (a) or periodate-oxidized (b) L-glyceryl phosphorylcholine to poly-(acrylamide-allylamine) copolymer. Biotinylated phosphorylcholine poly(acrylamide) derivatives of both types were tested with Limulus polyphemus C-reactive protein and were used for the study of the phosphorylcholine-binding properties of boar seminal plasma proteins. Binding sites for phosphorylcholine on the surface of bull sperms were visualized using a FITC-labelled derivative of the ligand

    Exploring Growth Variability and Crown Vitality of Sessile Oak (Quercus Petraea) in the Czech Republic

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    Unraveling climatic effects on growth of oak - Europe’s most ecologically and economically important forest species - has been the subject of many recent studies; however, more insight based on field data is necessary to better understand the relationship between climate and tree growth and to adapt forest management strategies to future climate change. In this report, we explore the influence of temperature, precipitation and drought variability on the productivity and vitality of oak stands in the Czech Highlands. We collected 180 cores from mature oaks (Quercus petraea) at four forest stands in the Czech Drahany Highlands. Standard dendromethods were used for sample preparation, ring width measurements, cross-dating, chronology development, and the assessment of growth-climate response patterns. Crown vitality was also evaluated, using the modified ICP Forests methodology. Late spring precipitation totals between May and June as well as the mean July temperature for the year of ring formation were found to be the most important factors for oak growth, whereas crown condition was significantly affected by spring and summer drought. This study is rep-resentative for similar bio-ecological habitats across Central Europe and can serve as a dendroclima-tological blueprint for earlier periods for which detailed meteorological information is missing